Design feedback

Tips for Effective Design Feedback




Nay Madani


Providing feedback is one of the most critical parts of any design process. Receiving and giving design feedback can improve collaboration with other designers and clients. However, if it is not without proper delivery, it will be a big trap that will affect the final result. Therefore, knowing how to give constructive feedback is key to getting your designer to understand your wants and needs.

How vital is constructive feedback

Constructive feedback will spark discussions and help bring understanding and agreement to the surface. It’s crucial to get used to giving good feedback. Most designers will design to fulfill the brief. There will be a direct impact when design feedback is delivered constructively.

  • Designers are evolving

Effective feedback can help designers better understand their brief. That will help designers increase their personal growth.

  • Projects run effectively

Through constructive feedback, designers are more likely to complete each project faster and not waste time with back-and-forth revisions.

  • Design results as expected

Effective design feedback must be relevant to the design objectives. That will help the designer focus on maximizing the outcome.

How to give feedback effectively

Feedback with examples

Poor feedback: “The colors are too crowded and full of illustrations and needs further improvement.”

Better feedback: “I have an example of a great design. What if the color tone is made softer like this?”

You don’t have to know design terms to provide design feedback because you can use visual examples to explain what you mean. Feedback with references will be Visual references ensure that designers can design according to your needs and don’t waste time going back and forth on revisions. It’s more helpful than just a vague description that the designer might misinterpret.

Give Specific Feedback

Poor feedback: “It should be even clean.”

Better feedback: “The hierarchy is good, but it looks like it needs more whitespace on the right side.”

Not specified feedback will be ambiguous and leave the designer wondering how to revise the design. It is better to provide specific feedback and indicate where to revise. It will provoke a productive discussion, and the designer will quickly determine what steps to take.

Feedback for design, not a designer

Poor feedback: “I didn’t offend. The design looks like a professional designer didn’t design it.”

Better feedback: “The font color is too similar to the background, so it’s difficult to read. Try to make more contrast. Maybe it will be better.”

Feedback should never take it personally. Instead, provide constructive feedback that helps the designer grow. You have to use good language when giving feedback. Maintain a positive relationship throughout the project to keep the designer motivated.

Give positive feedback

There comes a tipping point when negative feedback can destroy a designer’s confidence. Doesn’t everyone love receiving affirmations for a job well done? Even though, feedback is usually more focused on improving its quality, designers are happy when clients praise an excellent part of a design. According to Arie Aulia, feedback should be like a sandwich. Starting with a positive statement, provide specific and constructive feedback, closing with positive suggestions.

Constructive feedback for design success.

Don’t avoid feedback! That’s what makes designers develop personally as their level of understanding increases. Successful collaboration with designers involves open discussion. Improved communication at this level will increase the efficiency of the creative process, making life easier for you and the designer. If delivered correctly, feedback can lead to a satisfactory final design result.

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