Getting the Best Out of Your NTMY Plan

Getting the Best Out of Your NTMY Plan




Richard Fang


If you’re a client looking to get the best out of your NTMY plan, here are some tips to help you maximize its potential.

Breakdown Your Design Needs

First things first, you need to break down the design work you want to get done. Before subscribing, take some time to plan out what design tasks you’ll be giving to NTMY. If you need help, feel free to discuss it with our Sales Team.

Create a Good Brief

Once you know what you want to design, the next step is to create a brief. I get it, not every client knows how to create a good brief, but this part is crucial. A good brief leads to great output.

On the NTMY Platform, when you submit a request, there’s a form you need to fill out. This includes the task objective, brief, copywriting, and design references. You’ll also have the option to specify whether you want us to stick closely to the brief and references or if you’re open to us exploring and being as creative as possible.

Plan and Briefing are Key

The key lies in planning and briefing. And lastly, you need to manage expectations. This is something we can discuss before you subscribe. We’ll ask you what you expect from the subscription—some clients prioritize speed of delivery, while others focus on quality.

Ad-Hoc Requests

Ad-hoc and sudden requests without planning can often make the NTMY subscription experience feel less worthwhile. If this happens once or twice, it’s understandable since urgent needs do arise occasionally. However, frequent unplanned requests can disrupt the workflow and impact the overall experience.

Final Thoughts

By planning well and creating detailed briefs, you’ll help us deliver the best results for you. And always remember to manage expectations to ensure a smooth working relationship.

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