Vida is a healthcare insurance company under Lippo Life Assurance that is designed for millennials as a sandwich generation, which means that many people need to be covered not only for their health but also for the health of their families. Vida targets audiences who are already familiar with insurance, who can make purchasing decisions based on recommendations from friends or well-known brands, and who can persuade those closest to them to choose Vida as their insurance provider.
Vida (Lippo Life)

Not Only Promoting, But Also Educating
Instagram is one of the most obvious channels chosen to raise awareness of Vida. We helped Vida create content and design for their needs. They not only highlight the benefits in their promotional materials, but they also educate the public about health through Vida’s weekly infographics.

Audience Needs Matter the Most
We tried a simple and relatable approach for Vida’s entire target audience. Certainly, the information presented must be informative and useful to those who read it. Promoting Vida is important, but so is conveying a message.