Gerai Kompas is a store established under Harian Kompas (Indonesian newspaper) that sells books, merchandise, stationeries and many more.
They have been up and running for quite some time now. However, it is time to establish their digital presence by ramping up their online capabilities.
Gerai Kompas by Harian Kompas

By the People, for the People
Staying true to the founder’s journalistic vision, Gerai Kompas aspires to be the place where the younger generation can learn from the past. From the key historical figures to the events that shaped today’s modern society and culture.
The roots that still can be found in museums and places of interest are now being presented in everyday items such as apparels and stationeries, that people could buy from the shop.

Riding the Meme Trends
Who doesn’t love memes? Especially when it comes to Gen Z. As such, we re-created popular memes in a form of our own illustrated style, with the hopes to gather more attention to this target audience.