Undoubtedly Siloam Hospital might be the most famous healthcare facility in Indonesia, with over 40 hospital units accompanied by countless clinics and specialized centers across the country with a single aim of making the overall health and well-being of the society better every single day.
With such a massive scale of things happening at once, how are they communicating it to the patients and the wider audience?
Siloam Hospital

Easy to digest information
A sure-way to make the readers fall asleep is to display medical journals and findings that the average joe such as you and I would never understand. Unless you’re a trained professional, or someone with an unusually high interest in such topics.
However with the help of easy to digest infographics, even middle school students will now be able to understand with ease.

Infographics that matters
This strategy is a joint effort between NTMY and Siloam Hospital’s marketing team, where we devised a way to send out such information with a certain goal.
A purpose to allow people from all walks of life to read and be able to take care of themselves.