Nice Talk #1 Recap: How PM Handle Miscommunication

Nice Talk #1 Recap: How Project Manager Handle Miscommunication




Nay Madani


Miscommunication is a common thing in human interaction. It’s tricky, especially if your daily job revolves around maintaining communication between parties, just like a project manager. However, it can snowball into a more significant problem later if not prevented from the start or resolved correctly. Thus, a great project manager should be able to keep the communication flow clear and get the message across between the client and the team.

In our recently held Nice Talk on IG Live, we invited Tita Huang (Project Manager), Fauzan Aldwinavaldhy (Project Manager), and Nadia Qomaddin (Senior Graphic Designer) and touched upon how our project managers handle miscommunication. They mainly discussed how the client and the team might misinterpret the message and vice versa and what to do to prevent and manage them when it eventually occurs.

Missed the miscommunication discussion?

We talked about the responsibilities of project managers in different creative fields. Tita, who manages campaign and social media projects, explains how she and her teams should deliver results daily. Fauzan, who manages digital product projects, generally provides weekly progress updates to his clients. From a designer’s standpoint, Nadia mentioned that receiving a clear and transparent brief from the project manager is imperative to avoid creating the wrong output.

To sum up, if we were to extract the essence of the Nice Talk, it goes as follows.

Sometimes, we all feel uncomfortable asking a trivial question to our colleagues. But to be overly communicative and not afraid of asking trivial questions will do more good in the future. Even when communicating with a client, an over-communicative one-way conversation is better than nothing at all because there are deliverables and timelines that the team should fulfil. As Tita said, misunderstandings can lead to further miscommunication and vice versa. That’s where clear communication comes in to prevent the two from happening.

If you missed our debut episode of Nice Talk, you could watch the full recording below at your own pace. Then, grab some snacks and drinks because you’re in for an insightful discussion session.

Make sure to follow us at (and @lifeatntmy while you’re at it) to stay up-to-date with our future events. See you in the next one 😉

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