Digitalizing Car Repair Shops
Booking and finding the nearest car repair shop has never been easy. Otoklix realised that this was a real problem and thus, aiming to solve it by providing a platform that helps the user locate & book the nearest car repair shop in their current location. Additionally, they also provide services that sells car spare parts and other accessories.

Adhering to a Strong Brand Guidelines
We helped Otoklix with their product design and creative design, according to their guideline. However, we were not afraid to explore on our own without breaking the guidelines for product design, which can be seen even on the website if you google the company. However, for social media design we need to adhere to the guideline that were given early on.
Aside from the social media and product design, there were some other print media that our team worked on. We went all out to make sure these looks as good as possible while following the brand guidelines. Otoklix has their own style that sticks on their user and we tried our best to keep that essence on every design.